Preparing your company to go public? Checking your readiness for SOX 404 compliance comes first!
We understand change is constant and inevitable. We also understand that there are some things that will NEVER change. One of those things is the fact that addressing your SOX readiness now will improve your SOX 404 compliance programs when you need them, ultimately making your IPO journey easier.
When you commit to assessing your SOX readiness it becomes clear that you care not only about your stakeholders, but also about your long-term success.
Oftentimes companies looking to go public only see SOX compliance as a burden, but we stress – achieving SOX 404 compliance can be a panacea for avoiding difficulties that may arise.
Achieving SOX 404 is like forging a sword. You hit the sword over and over to hone it, remove impurities, and refine its shape until you have the perfect sword customized for your needs. That is how it works for SOX 404 compliance. It is a process that needs time, a growth mindset, great attention to detail, and the drive to improve despite deficiencies.
To achieve SOX 404 compliance, you must first check if you’re ready, and then refine the parts of your internal controls that need improvement. As to the question of how? Well, with A2Q2 as your partner, you will have all the support you need!
How does A2Q2 help you with internal controls?
The controls, as they are laid out, are so very detailed as to who does what ultimately, and who’s drafting things and communicating things. A2Q2 has captured everything, literally, everything.
– Linda Hart, Senior Corporate Governance and Securities Paralegal, Equity Admin
We do internal control remediation, risk assessments, control matrix, scoping, and the implementation of policies and procedures to assess and determine your SOX readiness.
- Our readiness assessment will help you determine if your organization meets all requirements and is ready for SOX 404 compliance. We do this by identifying risks and weaknesses in your internal control, remediating them, and implementing the best operational, financial, and technological processes.
- Our commitment is to protect your company, stakeholders, and your management team. We make sure that everyone is at where they’re supposed to be, and that they are aware of potential risks.
- We help your company kickstart its journey for growth by implementing and maintaining sustainable readiness assessments. To ensure that this is successful, we identify, assess, document, test, and implement internal control processes to mitigate and evaluate risks. All of this is done to avoid financial statement errors and internal control deficiencies.