#77 | How to Create a Customer Payment Receipt from an Invoice in NetSuite

When dealing with customers, everybody wants to give them the best service. NetSuite has a lot of customer related modules and creating a customer payment receipt from an invoice is one of them.
To make sure that you know how to create and print payment receipts, follow the sections in this NetSuite guide:
- Steps for Creating the Customer Payment/Receipt
- General Ledger Impact
- Unapplied Payment
- Payment Receipts
- Print Customer Receipts
I suggest you watch the video. It’s easier to understand if you are a visual/audio learner. The content below is the same as the video. It’s for those who learn by reading.
Creating Cash Receipts
If you want to create cash receipt from a customer invoice, follow these steps:
- Step 1: Go to Transactions → Sales → Create Invoices → List

- Step 2: Click the View next to the invoice you want to record a payment for.

- Step 3: On the invoice, click the Accept Payment button.
A payment page opens that auto fills with the customer name and defaults to show a payment applied to the invoice.

- Step 4: Click Apply Payment.
On the Apply subtab, the full amount of the invoice auto fills the Payment Amount field.

- Step 5: Set a Currency.
It filters the original invoice from the list of open invoices in the Invoices subtab, preventing you from applying payment to that invoice.
If you use the Multiple Currencies feature, you can change the Currency on the payment page.

- Step 6: Choose Proper Account.
Select the Account radio button to select “1000 Checking Account.”

- Step 7: Add a Memo or Note.

- Step 8: Click the Save button.

- Step 9: Click Actions, then Select GL Impact.

General Ledger Impact
From step 9, this will show you the GL Impact page, where you will find where the money is credited to.

Unapplied Payment
If you make a payment for a customer for an amount that is larger than the amount owed, the Unapplied amount remains as a credit that you can apply to other invoices for the customer.

Payment Receipts
When customers make a payment or deposit, you can send a payment receipt to them as verification.
They will show the following:
- Company information (name, logo, address, phone number, URL)
- Customer name
- Payment or deposit amount
- Transactions the payment is applied against
- Amount applied to each transaction
Printing Customer Receipts
Payment receipts can be printed, faxed, or emailed to customers. To generate a payment receipt when you record a payment or deposit, you can do either of the following:
- Give your customer a receipt by clicking Save & Print or Save & Email when you record or edit a customer deposit.
- Print a customer receipt by clicking the Print

On the Communication subtab, you can Email or Fax the receipt by clicking the buttons as shown below.

Below is a copy of the printed receipt

To recap what you just learned, you can quickly go back to the sections below.
- Steps for Creating the Customer Payment/Receipt
- General Ledger Impact
- Unapplied Payment
- Payment Receipts
- Print Customer Receipts
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