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#45 | NetSuite Vendor Data Upload

Welcome to the NetSuite vendor data upload training session. This training is part of the NetSuite implementation where we will show you step-by-step how to upload vendor data into NetSuite.

I suggest you watch the video. It’s easier to understand if you are a visual/audio learner. The content below is the same as the video. It’s for those who learn by reading.

The vendor’s lists upload:

NetSuite vendors upload
Fig. 1 – NetSuite Vendors List Upload.

These are the potential fields in the vendor upload file.  There are more available fields but typically we have the first name, last name (if the type is individual or a contractor), company name, subsidiary, phone numbers, address, and the type (corporations or contractor or individual).

Here is an example of what it looks like in excel:

NetSuite Vendors upload file example
Fig. 2 – NetSuite Vendors Upload file example in excel.

Because we are uploading multiple vendors, we see these five records. Upload is the most efficient way to populate NetSuite.

Sometimes in the NetSuite configuration or setup, a particular data field is mandatory which means that information needs to be populated out in order for the upload to happen. Typically, subsidiary is one.

Our clients sometimes try to do an upload and they inadvertently leave out a mandatory field and they get an error messages and can’t understand why.

That’s why we are going to show you in NetSuite how to do this upload.

Now for the NetSuite upload go to: Setup→Import/Export→Import CSV record

NetSuite vendor upload demo1
Fig. 3 – Instructions for vendor Upload going to CSV records.

Enter import type as Relationships and record type is Vendor

NetSuite Vendor upload demo2
Fig. 4 – Instructions for vendor Upload going to CSV records.

Click select then you’ll going to go choose your file to upload and click next.

NetSuite vendor upload demo3
Fig. 5 – Instructions for Vendor Upload choose file

Choose add and click next

NetSuite vendor upload demo4
Fig. 6 – Instructions for Vendor Upload add data

Then in NetSuite field choose: Vendor Address→Vendor Address 1→Address 1 then click OK

NetSuite vendor upload demo5
Fig. 7 – Instructions for Vendor Upload going to Vendor Address

Then choose Vendor Address 1: City, State and Zip.

NetSuite vendor upload demo6
Fig. 8 – Instructions for Vendor Upload choose city state and zip code

Now choose the pencil icon next to Individual and choose yes

NetSuite vendor upload demo7
Fig. 9 – Instructions for Customer Upload choose individual then choose yes

Click the pencil icon for Subsidiary and choose Internal ID under reference type then click done

NetSuite vendor upload demo8
Fig. 10 – Instructions for Vendor Upload internal ID

Choose Address should be equal to Address 1, City should be equal to City, State should be equal to State and Zip should be equal to Zip

NetSuite vendor upload demo9
Fig. 11 – Instructions for Vendor Upload field mapping for address

Click the pencil icon next to Country and choose United States then click done

NetSuite vendor upload demo10
Fig. 12 – Instructions for Vendor Upload choose country then United States

Choose Vendor Address 1 and choose Addressee

NetSuite vendor upload demo11
Fig. 13 – Instructions for Vendor Upload Field mapping zip code

Choose Primary Contact should be equal to Addressee and click next.

NetSuite vendor upload demo12
Fig. 14 – Instructions for Customer Upload Choose Primary Contact

Then type your file name under map name and click Save & Run

NetSuite vendor upload demo13
Fig. 15 – Instructions for Vendor Upload save file

Now that you’re finish you will see the green confirmation box. Click the link to see your job status.

NetSuite vendor upload demo14
Fig. 16 – Instructions for Vendor Upload confirmation box

And your job successfully uploaded 5 records. And you are done!

NetSuite vendor upload demo15
Fig. 17 – Instructions for Customer Upload view of recorded files

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