#106 | NetSuite’s Revenue by Item Report

The Revenue by Item Report in NetSuite can be used for revenue recognition reconciliation. It will show you the revenue amounts grouped by item. The balances on this report directly tie to the income statement.
In this guide, you will learn how to navigate in NetSuite to view and filter the report.
I suggest you watch the video. It’s easier to understand if you are a visual/audio learner. The content below is the same as the video. It’s for those who learn by reading.
Viewing Revenue by Item Report
Once logged into NetSuite, follow these steps to view the report.
- Step 1: Go to Reports → Revenue → Revenue By Item.
- Step 2: In the report’s footer, select the following filters.
- Date range or period
- Subsidiary – visible if using NetSuite OneWorld
- Subsidiary Context – if view is restricted, will be only visible for financial reports
- Column – will transform the report into a matrix or crosstab

It’s easy learning to view and filter out the Revenue by Item Report. In the upcoming blogs, you will learn more about the different reports related to revenue recognition.
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