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#110 | Creating Employee Based Searches in NetSuite

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create employee-based searches in NetSuite. This is helpful when you have new sets of employees and you want to send them information like a welcome email for new employees or payroll and timesheet reminders before payouts.

The following topics will be covered:

I suggest you watch the video. It’s easier to understand if you are a visual/audio learner. The content below is the same as the video. It’s for those who learn by reading.

What is a Saved Search?

  • A saved search is a highly-customizable way of displaying data based on your unique criteria
  • Both standard and custom fields can be used as search criteria.
  • Saved searches can be created for a wide array of record types, including custom records.
  • Search criteria can be as simple or complex as your needs require, including the addition of formulas for results based on calculated values or expressions for and/or values.
  • Filters can be added and applied to search results, making them easy to refine and adjust in real-time.
  • Saved search results can be automatically emailed for effortless sharing.

Emailing Saved Search Results

  • Results can be emailed when a record is created/updated or according to a schedule.
  • Recipients can be manually specified or pulled from the search results.
  • Email subject line, sender address, and content can be customized.
  • Search data can be displayed within the email body or provided as an attachment.
  • A link to the corresponding record can be included in the email body.

Here is an example of a scheduled email alert from Search Results.

email alert from search results
Example of a scheduled email alert from Search Results

Steps for Creating an Employee Search

For this tutorial, we will use this sample scenario:

User would like to send a welcome Email to new Employee with details on how to log in to Open Air for the first time.
SOLUTION: In NetSuite, users can only send notifications to new Employees if they have been given Access to log in to the system by marking the Send Notification Email checkbox on the Access tab (to send an automatic email notifying this employee of access privileges to NetSuite).

Here are the steps to follow once you’re logged into NetSuite.

  • Step 1: Go to Lists → Search → Saved Searches → New.
  • Step 2: Select Employee as the search type.
new saved search - employee
Step 2: Select Employee as the search type
  • Step 3: Enter value for Search Title.
Employee saved search welcome email alert
Step 3: Enter value for Search Title
  • Step 4: Under Results tab, add the necessary Employee fields, but make sure the Email field is included.
Add necessary employees fields
Step 4: Under Results tab, add the necessary Employee fields, but make sure the Email field is included.
  • Step 5: Under the Email tab, mark Send Email Alerts when Records are Created / Updated.
  • Step 6: Still in the Email tab, go to the Recipients from Results sub tab, then add Email
NetSuite Billing and Revenue page
Step 6: On the Email tab, go to the Recipients from Results sub tab, then add Email field
  • Step 7: Still in the Email tab, go to the Customize Message sub tab, then unmark Include View Record Link and then enter values for the following:
    • Subject field
    • Message field (Enter the Welcome message here)
customize email message
Compose email message
  • Step 8: Click Save and Run.

In some instances, email alerts are not sent to the recipients if the change was from a CSV import. To resolve, perform the following steps:

  • Step 1: Navigate to Set-up → Company → Email Preferences (Administrator).
  • Step 2: Under General section, check Enable Email Alerts for WS and CSV Imports 
  • Step 3: For searches that rely on record creation system notes, check if the LOG SYSTEM NOTES ON UPDATE ONLY is turned on as this preference will prevent the email alerts from firing.

By default, email alerts from saved searches will only send an email to the logged in user. This setting can be changed under Set-up → Company → Email Preferences → Sandbox and Release Preview section.

The three email options are:

  • Send Email To (separate address with commas)
  • Send Email To Logged in User (marked by default)
  • Do Not Send Emails

Steps for Sending Email Reminders

We will use this scenario for this procedure:

Payroll Admin wants to send out weekly reminders to their employees to enter time.
  • Step 1: Navigate to Lists → Search → Saved Searches → New.
  • Step 2: Select Employee as the Search Type.
  • Step 3: Go to the Criteria Fill in the following:
    • Summary subtab
    • Summary type
On the criteria tab, fill in the summary sub tab and the summary type
  • Step 4: Go to the Email tab and select Send Emails According to Schedule. Then go to Schedule subtab and select Weekly Event, send every Friday.
Set email reminder schedule
Go to the Email tab then check the Send Emails According to Schedule. Then go to Schedule subtab and select Weekly Event, and then choose the desired day to send the email reminder
  • Step 5: Still in the Email tab, go to Recipients from Results subtab then add “Email” for the Recipient Field.
Add email recipients
Still in the Email tab, go to Recipients from Results subtab then add “Email” for the Recipient Field.

You just learned about creating employee-based searches. To recap, you can click on the link below.

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